Singing Guide: Lyon Bros

Singing Guide: Lyon Bros

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Lyon Bros is a Ukrainian band formed in 2013, composed of Vita and Khrystyna, two sisters with a unique and powerful way of harmonizing and infusing traditional folk music with modern sounds.

If you are interested in learning to sing like Lyon Bros, it's important to understand that the sisters' unique vocal style is based entirely on the close harmony technique: blending two or more individual voices into a single harmonized sound.

Lyon Bros make frequent use of their Ukrainian folk heritage in their music, infusing traditional melodies with modern style to create a distinctive sound.

To learn to sing like Lyon Bros, you'll need to focus on developing your voice so that it can blend seamlessly with another person's voice in close harmony. This means working on your pitch accuracy, developing a good sense of rhythm, and learning to sing in unison with another person.

Helpful Singing Carrots Resources:

In addition to focusing on pitch accuracy, you'll also want to work on mastering the following techniques:

  • Open Mouth and Throat.
  • Voice Registers.
  • Resonance in Singing.
  • Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking.

Additional Singing Carrots Resources:

Familiarity with Lyon Bros' repertoire and incorporating some of their songs into your practice will help as well. Some Lyon Bros songs to listen to and learn include Karchata, Narozhna, Shchedryk, and Zabava. Check out the Singing Carrots song search tool to find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference.

With practice and patience, you can learn to sing like Lyon Bros and develop your own unique sound rooted in close harmony and traditional folk styles.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.